I’ve written a lot over the last couple of years on how to use The Offsite: A Leadership Challenge Fable as a teaching/learning tool in your everyday work-a-day world. Sometimes a good listen is better than a good read. Here’s how one savvy organization used The Offsite to enhance and keep their leadership lessons alive in turbulent times. Take a listen and let me know what you think. If you, too, have used The Offsite in your workplace, let your results ripple out to others. Please let me know how it’s working so I can pass your Best Practices along.
Audio can be found here: http://leaderinsideout.com/rants-and-raves/
Robert Thompson is the author of The Offsite: A Leadership Challenge Fable. Contact Robert at [email protected] and subscribe to his Leadership Path newsletter at www.leaderinsideout.com Follow Robert on Twitter: @RobertHThompson.