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June 17, 2009


cakes philippine

My mouth now is watering,wow that is cool meaning of a chocolate.Thanks for sharing it.


Dana E. Jarvis, MPA, MSW

C.H.O.C.O.L.A.T.E. - I just couldn't resist to dig in on this one...

C=Compassion - Leaders must demonstrate Compassion in order to engage their team. People must feel the leader has a sense of understanding where they are coming from on an individual and team basis.
H=Humility - When a leader demonstrates humility, he or she shows they are human. When their team views them as being human, it increases the connection a leader can make with their team.
O=Opportunity - Every Opportunity must be taken by the leader to make a connection with the team. These Opportunities can yield great results with mission accomplishment.
C=Charater - Leaders need to have strong Character, filled with ethics and values. This is the cornerstone of successful relationships with internal and external key stakeholders.
O=Outlast - A leader will be pressed to go the distance; essentially to Outlast the challenges of any given project. When leaders perservere and achieve the mission, extraordinary results can occur.
L=Linkage - Each leader should strive to make the Linkage between themselves and their team. By finding common ground and building strengths, the Lingage is strengthened.
A=Attitude - A positive mental Attitude can go a long way to build team relations and project outcomes. Leaders benefit by having a positive attitude that builds momentum for the team.
T=Togetherness - The most successful teams have a solid Togetherness that allows them to capitalize on their strengths and rise to the challenges. Leaders provide the glue to ensure Togetherness occurs.
E=Excitement - A leader is positioned well to fill the team with Excitement. Through their perspective, insights and thoughts, they create sustained team Excitement.

As an adjunct professor, speaker and writer, I strive to fill my brain with knowledge on leadership. Thompson's insights and The Leadership Challenge site have been most helpful. For ongoing leadership and other insights, check out www.danajarvis.org.

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