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December 01, 2008


Ola Aiyegbayo

Lisa, I think calmness comes from letting go of things you have no control over and simply focusing on the things you do have control over. In this tough economic downturn, leaders may not have control over the economic crises but they have control over their attitude towards it. Employees are looking at how CEOs are either reacting or responding to the financial meltdown. The exhibition of calmness in the midst of a crisis is seen as courage by observers and this quality comforts frightened employees scared that they are going to lose their jobs and pensions. Courage (or Calmness) is not the absence of fear but the ability to act in spite of the fear. People want to follow calm leaders. This quality helped Obama win the presidential election.

Renee Harness

Lisa, your observations rang true for me. When I think of the leaders that have inspired me, it has been their sense of calm, despite the "fires" around us, that kept me focused. While Charisma is a characteristic that many say is necessary in a leader, charisma without the groundedness of calm can lead to poor decisions and results.

Ray Chang

I completely agree with both of the other comments earlier, but have something else.

Although letting go of things you have no control over and focusing on things that you can control helps us in the process, I can't accept that as the end of it all in regards to leadership, especially when the topic is 'vision.'

If vision implies a long term movement towards something we want to see come into fruition, often times much bigger than our own capabilities, then to constantly inspire others to share it requires that we are completely sold in the manifestation of it as long as we believe it will come true (whether it will come true without our being sold out or if we need to be the ones to keep the engine running). I think that with the necessity of life given to the vision, and the fact that we wouldn't be sold on it unless if we thought of it as a necessity to bring to life, it would bring a sense of calm.

In books, people who know their destiny don't move to the left or to the right, but hold steadfast and continue to live life until it comes true. I'd like to know if Obama considered his presidency a destiny or if he simply 'knew' that he would win all along.


jordan 11

The mighty desert is burning for the love of a bladeof grass who shakes her head and laughs and flies away.Do you like it?

Professor M.S.Rao

Great post!

Professor M.S.Rao - Author of 9 leadership books including ‘Spirit of Indian Youth – Soft Skills for Young Managers’

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