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November 03, 2008


Wally Bock

This book is definitely on my must-read list. I've enjoyed both Colvin's articles on this and I incorporated the idea of "deliberate practice" into my training for supervisors years ago. It gives us a very effective way to build on something we already knew, that feedback is the breakfast of champions. Dr. Ericcson's concept helps us focus that idea on specific behaviors and makes it a powerful development tool.

Daren Blonski


I went out and got this book after you mentioned it the other day at your talk in San Ramon. Excellent book. I love it. I highly recommend it to anyone looking to develop their leadership capacity.



Buen día,

Contactar con vosotros porque éstoy interesado de comprar espacio de publicidad en vuestro sitio de web - leadershipchallenge.typepad.com
Quisiera tener un enlace de texto o un pequeño aviso en su sitio. Por favor infórmeme cuál sería el precio por un aviso de ese tipo.

Saludos cordiales

Good day,

I am contacting you because I am interested in buying advertising space on your web site - leadershipchallenge.typepad.com
I would like to have a text

link or a small banner on your site. Please advice what will be the price for such advertising.


James F Jaeger

pls see my home (shrinkingyourthinking.com)
it is a composite of all my endevors
in these areas that: helps us focus that idea on specific behaviors and makes it a powerful learning tool.
jim jaeger - President SYT LLC

James F Jaeger

I would like to speak with one of your senior managers. Please refer to my web site called: shrinkingyourthinking.com

Lets explore your enterprise using my V-M-T methodology (quiet simple to learn)and make it generally available to companies and organizations that want to engage in continuous improvement waying of doing things. Everybody is encouraged to participate. Please contact me at [email protected]

James F Jaeger - Founder SYT LLC

James F Jaeger

I am seeking both Financial and business connections to help realize the the GOALS outlined in this web link document:


They are worthy of being promoted, but I do not have the means to do so on my own.

jim jaeger

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