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June 02, 2008



I just finished your book, and I must say that I took some good things away from it. In the back I found the web site, and upon visiting it I noted the blog. After reading your post, my first response was dismissal and loss of respect, then curiosity. Why would someone as learned as you insult at least 31% of the people so openly? If I was trying to sell something or book seminars etc. I would certainly remain as apolitical as possible, and when I felt it was relevant, I wouldn't have stated it with such a hubris and dismissive attitude of those who might disagree.

Robert Thompson

Dear oktibbehapublius:

Thanks for picking up the book and giving it a good read. I am glad you found some things to take away from it. Would love to learn more of what worked for you.

Certainly, my effort with that particular blog was not to offend you or anyone. Sorry, if you felt that way.(not sure I see the hubris or dismissive attitude though).

My style in this business (and in my newspaper days) has always been to share my thoughts provocatively and hopefully with humor.(although that doesn't always work for everyone, you're absolutely right). You are certainly not the first to cry foul. And hopefully not the last either. (BTW, that part of me seemed to be infused into Charlie, no?)

Coming from the newspaper industry and being educated from the reporter's viewpoint, I would never be apolitical just to sell books or anything else. (yes, that causes me grief from time-to-time...but it is worth it.)

Sometimes I think that in our attempt to be apolitical and never make a wave we lose our authenticity. What are your thoughts about that?

Politics don't come up much in speeches (did you review my topics?), but I think a Blog should be written to challenge folks (including the writer) not just be informative plain vanilla. (Whoops, sorry vanilla lovers ;-).

Thanks for caring enough to challenge me and posting your challenge for all to see. (Perhaps there were others out there waiting to pounce but were waiting to see if I would respond.)

Please don't give up on me yet. Keep reading. More provocative postings will need your comments. It's all about the conversation.

In fact, I just posted another today. You can find it at www.leaderinsideout.com

Please check it out and let me know what you think.

Cheers, Robert.

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