As leaders we try to encourage and inspire the use of “outsight”, looking outside ourselves for inspiration and perspective. If we can open ourselves to things that will stir the imagination then we increase the chance we will find new and imaginative approaches to addressing the challenges we face. But perhaps there’s something to looking deeper inside an issue as well as looking outside. Can we look with fresh eyes to recognize the assumptions we are making? What boundaries we are creating for ourselves. If we look carefully at the situation with fresh eyes, we may spot something new that will engage us and create a new understanding? Learning to be present and be curious is what it takes to be fully engaged and see these new things. Being fully present and curious is my favorite definition of mindfulness and the clearest path I know to having those fresh eyes available all the time. You never know what you might discover about something that is right in front of you. Here’s an example: it’s a kick.
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Beth High