I was listening to an episode of This American Life today. The piece, called "Meet the Pros," included a second act about professional poker players. This "profession" has intrigued me in recent years. Probably because I actually know someone who, after becoming wealthy during the dot com boom, quit his lucrative job, trading in the daily grind for writing and poker (what a combination!). Learning that host Ira Glass secretly wondered about his chances at the World Series of Poker made the piece entertaining enough, but then a comment toward the end made me think of Jim's recent posting on "Practice, Practice, Practice" (November 7th). Trying to get a handle on what it would take to play at the Bellogio with the big boys and girls, Glass asked a professional player how long it would take to become "competent at poker." The answer: 2,000 hours of practice. And that's just competent....not good, not great. Then I remembered back to a little piece of poker trivia I had picked up. The average age of professional poker players is getting younger and younger. Why? It's because of the internet poker sites. This younger players can practice 24/7, three or four hands at a time, learning at warp speed compared to the generation before who only played during their weekly buddy game or when they manager to get to Las Vegas.
Is there an equivalent leadership practice regiment? Can we get better faster by practicing more and more everyday? Let me know your thoughts and ideas.
- Posted by Lisa Shannon
Nice blog! More people should read it. If you want, you can register your blog www.pokerweblogs.com. It is free and and it automatically updates when you do an update, so visitors of our site can see when you updated your blog. The big advantage is that it will attract much more visitors to your blog.
Greets Vincent
Posted by: Vince | December 07, 2007 at 04:58 PM
Nice blog! More people should read it. If you want, you can register your blog www.pokerweblogs.com. It is free and and it automatically updates when you do an update, so visitors of our site can see when you updated your blog. The big advantage is that it will attract much more visitors to your blog.
Greets Vincent
Posted by: Vince | December 07, 2007 at 04:58 PM
No, there's no equivalent! And neither do you become good at playing 4 tables online at same time. Usually you're better to play one table at a time with higher blinds, than trying to follow 4 smaller antes tables.
The same applies to physical training and leadership training. Don't try to cut corners when training in a Gym or at a sport.
In Leadership, the character is put to test, fast tricks and plows won't make it.
Posted by: Dan Leroux | December 18, 2007 at 04:59 PM
Practice Poker to hours per day ensures you a successful upgrade in your level.
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Posted by: Poker Senza Deposito | January 29, 2012 at 09:21 AM