I'm working with a new client in Atlanta. This is a small group of people who have started an independent preschool. They have decided as a group to focus on their leadership development to support the headmaster and build their capacity as a board. As we talked about launching the LPI the idea of transparency came up. How could the group best inform the people they are asking to be observers about their commitment to becoming stronger leaders? How could they ask for meaningful feedback and avoid the assumption that they are just seeking positive reinforcement. After playing around with several ideas, we landed on having the group work in teams to come up with a metaphor they felt captured their intent. They will bring those back to the group, find one they all feel comfortable with, and draft a letter to their observers together. It struck me as a very cool exercise for the group that will get them the feedback they are looking for and deepen their own commitment to their leadership development. Since commitment is so key to the success of any leadership development activity, I think they are off to a great start.
-Beth High
Beth, not only is this a terrific idea to get buy-in and commitment, but it is a great way to build story-telling and metaphor into how this group leads. Thanks for sharning the idea!
Posted by: Renee Harness | October 16, 2007 at 12:51 PM